Sunday, November 3, 2013

Diffusion and Osmosis Part 2

Here is part two to my lab. My group and I came up with an experiment to demonstrate diffusion and osmosis in another way. The lab involves:

  • 3 eggs
  • Coke
  • Salt
  • Water
  • Vinegar
  • 3 beakers

Our idea was to see what kind of solution would eat the shell away. After the shell disappeared, we planned on soaking our eggs in different solutions to see osmosis taking place. The first thing we did was weigh the eggs.

  • Egg 1= 64.62g
  • Egg 2= 68.000g
  • Egg 3= 60.91g            
We then filled one beaker with coke, one with vinegar, and one with vinegar and coked combined. Egg one was placed in the beaker containing coke, egg two was placed in the beaker containing vinegar, and egg 3 was placed in the beaker with the combination coke and vinegar. We then let the eggs sit for 24 hours or till the next day in class. The next day in class we examined the eggs for their shells and got these results:

  • Egg 1- Still contained it's shell
  • Egg 2- contained no shell
  • Egg 3- contained no shell
We came to the conclusion that the substance that are found in coke does not eat calcium carbonate (egg shell) but vinegar does. The eggs were tested once again after being soaked over night or left for 24 hours and got the results listed below:

  • Egg 1= 70.05g
  • Egg 2= 93.09g
  • Egg 3=88.11g       

These results tell us that osmosis was taking place. The fact that the eggs weighed more after being in the solutions over night shows osmosis. If you forgot what osmosis is, it's the movement of water into and/or out of the cell or any cell membrane. We wanted to demonstrate how water gets released out of the cell when there are more salt particles outside of the membrane. My group and I placed the two eggs that were left with no shell into two separate beakers.One beaker was plain tap water and the other beaker contained salt water. The egg that weighed the most was placed in the salt water (egg 1) and the egg (egg 2 ) that weighed the less was placed in the plain water. The eggs were left to sit over night. The results of the weight that I got the next day are the ones listed below:

  • Egg 1=90.37
  • Egg 2=90.37    

With these results we can come to the conclusion about various things. The fact that the egg that weighed the most, weighed the same was the egg that weighed less after being placed in salt water. The egg that weighed the least was placed in the beaker containing plain tap water and ended up weighing the same as the egg that weighed the most. These results can help me be confident and say that water is attracted to salt or soluble substances. When there is salt or any substance that is soluble outside of the cell, the water leaves the cell and is attracted to the substance. If there is more soluble solution inside the cell, the water on the outside will go into the cell that way you do not become dehydrated. There is a great example of osmosis. I know that the egg that was placed in water increased in size because it was placed in regular water and cells will always soak up as much water as it can. I know that the egg that was placed in salt water weighed less after sitting over night because the water inside the egg (cell) was released to the soluble substnace (salt) to try to get rid of it before it enters the cell. Just always remember wherever there is a great amount of soluble substance, the water will go to that place which means osmosis is taking place.

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