Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Using a Microscope

The most latest topic I am learning in biology is how to use a microscope and see things clearly. I have a few pictures listed below and the process on what I did to see the elements clearly. 

The picture above is of a typical monocot and dicot flower buds. I used 100 magnification on this one. I really thought the way this one looked was very beautiful.

This picture above is also of a typical monocot and dicot flower buds. The magnification I used was 400 magnification. In the picture I got a closer look at the purple that is seen in my first picture. 

The picture above is of a trophozite smear. I used 100 magnification to get a outer view of this element.

The picture above is also of a trophozite smear at a magnification of 400. This picture is a closer look of the one above it.

The picture above is a picture of infected pork. I used the magnification of 40. In this infected meat there are cysts with worms growing in them.

In the picture above I zoomed in and got a closer look at what a cyst with worms growing it in an infected piece of pork looks like. I used the magnification of 100. 

The picture above is of a cyst with worms growing in it once again. I got a closer look at it. I used the magnification of 400. You can see the warm growing clearly now that it's closer. 

Using a microscope becomes very handy when it comes to anything dealing with science. It comes in handy when studying bacteria, viruses, basic cells, etc.. Microscopes are a very handy tool to know how to use. 

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