Sunday, March 9, 2014

Models of DNA Structures

In biology we are studying DNA models. So far I have learned how DNA connects and seperates. DNA has four bases, they are:
  • Base A (Adenine)
  • Base C (Cutosine)
  • Base G (Guanine)
  • Base T (Thymine)
The scientific name for the shape of the DNA molecule is double helix. Hydrogen bonds are the bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together. I learned that a pair of nitrogenous bases form the steps or rungs in the DNA molecule. DNA has three parts:
  •  phosphate
  • sugar
  • nitrogenous (nucleotide)
The sidwa of the DNA ladder are made up of alternating sugars and phosphate groups.  A is always paired with T and G is always paired with C. Paired bases are held together by weak bonds called hydrogen bonds, and when the DNA ladder twists the way it normally does, the shape of the molecule is called a double helix. Below are picture of my DNA model questions, a drawing of a DNA structure and a model I built of a DNA structure. Directly below you will find my demonstration of DNA seperating and a structure showing how A is always paired with T and how G is always paired with C.
DNA Seperating

T is always paired with A and G is always paired with C

This structure shows all the parts of DNA

DNA Model Questions

DNA Model

DNA model drawing

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