Sunday, February 2, 2014

Over view of meiosis, mitosis, and cloning

This write-up is an overview over mitosis, meiosis, cloning, and cancer. I tried to sum up everything I have learned over these topics the best I can. Hopefully by reading this, you can take some information to add to your knowledge. First off I want to talk about cloning and in my opinion cloning can not happen to a human. There are ways that people are trying to make the exact DNA in one cell that is from another. This has not been sucessful in a human though and I dont think it will be for awhile. You can give someone the DNA of another person but they will never be able to replace them. Click below to learn more about these subjects. Meiosis is when cells make sex cells and mitosis is when cells reproduce themselves. Cells enter the cell cycle as once cell and come back out as two. A cell can go back in after they have already been through once. A cell goes through a stage called interphase and it can pick out of two routes. Cells can take the mitosis route, where they split in half and have two 2n cells, or they can take the meiosis route and split in half then split again leaving 4 different cells. G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase are all part of interphase. If a cell never duplicates again, it goes into the Go Phase. Here is an interesting face, Muscle cells never copy. The mitosis stages are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Now I'm going to talk a little about cancer. Growth factors can create cancer. Proto-oncogenes are what usually activates cell division and become oncogenes when mutated and can cause cancer if switch is turned on. Tumor-suppressor genes normally inhibit cell division and if switched off cancer can be caused. Cancer is usually caused by cell division control. All cancers shut down p53 activity. The development of cancer is unlimited growth, ignoring checkpoints, escaping apoptosis, immortality, promoting blood vessel growth and overcoming anchor and density dependence.  On the mitosis and cell cycle quiz, I earned a 100% which helps to show I learned a lot. Down below are some websites that I gathered information from to get a better understanding on these topics. If you are interested in learning more like I was, click on the links down below to connect you.

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