Friday, January 31, 2014

Stem Cells Webquest

  • Cell-based therapies- a treatment where the stem-cell differentiated into then certain cell type needed to repair the cell or tissue.
  • Differentiation- a process in which an unspecialized cell receives the qualities of a special cell. It is controlled by the interactions between a cells genes and the conditions outside the cell.

  • Embryonic stem cell line- these are embryonic stem cells that have been grown in vitro (latin for in glass) that let the cells reproduce without differentiation.
  • Proliferation- the expanding of cells by division of single cells into two matching cells.
  • Plasticity- state of a cell that can differentiate into all tissues of an organism, but alone, cannot sustain full development.

1. What are the unique properties of all stem cells?  Explain in your own words what each property means.

There are three characteristics that make stem cells unique.One is that stem cells have the capability of dividing and renewing themselves and can do it for long periods of time or after long periods of inactivity. Another one is stem cells give rise to specialized cells, which is called differentiation. The last one is they are unspecialized cells so unlike nerve and blood cells, stem cells were not created for a certain reason. 

2. What are the two main kinds of stem cells used by researchers?  What are the major differences between the two types in terms of their sources and usefulness to researchers?  Give examples of possible uses for each type of stem cell.

the two main kinds of stem cells are embryonic stem cells and non embryonic stem cells (adult stem cells). embryonic stem cells are taken from embryos that develop from fertilized eggs that have been donated. The cells are cultured in a laboratory in Embryonic stem cell lines. They are special because they can proliferate for long periods of time without differentiating and they don't develop genetic abnormalities (pluripotent). For cells to stay unspecialized, they have to be under the correct conditions. Muscle cells or nerve cells are caused by stem cells clumping together into embryoid bodies and begin to differentiate spontaneously. Scientist try to control the differentiation of stem cells. Scientist can alter the surface of the dish or change the cells by injecting specific genes. Throughout many years scientist have been experimenting ways for directed differentiation. Adult stem cells are thought to be undifferentiated cells. They are only useful in one organ or tissue, the one they are in because they can renew themselves and differentiate to produce some or all of the specialized cells in the organ or tissue. They are not as diverse as embryonic stem cells. The main role is to repair or maintain the organ or tissue where they are found. They exist in the brain and the heart. 

3. List some of the diseases that scientists think may be treated using stem cell research and suggest how stem cells might be used to treat each disease.

Parkinson's Disease, Diabetes, heart disease, traumatic spinal cord injury,
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy and vision or hearing loss are some diseases that have been potential to be treated by stem cells. These can be treated because the stem cells would go in and replace the damaged cells.

4. What are the necessary characteristics that laboratory-manipulated stem cells will need to have in order to be successfully used in cell-based therapies (what will stem cells need to be able to do)?

There are still a few things that need to be done with stem cells, even though they have come so far. The first that they need to be able to proliferate a lot and create significant quantities of tissue. If scientists cannot create enough stem cells, then they cant be used in cell-based therapies. Also, they need to be able to differentiate into the desired specialized cell. If they cant than they wont be any help in the body. They also have to be able to survive after they have been transplanted into the receiver. Next, they need to be able to integrate into the surrounding tissue after the stem cells have been transplanted. Obviously, the stem cells need to function properly for the receiver's entire life and they cant harm the person receiving them.

Stem cells have come a long way. We know a lot more about them now than we ever have. However, they still have quite a long way to go. stem cells have the potential to great things in this world an the chance to cure many diseases. It is amazing, all the research that has been done and how far we have gotten on this topic. I feel as if this isnt all we are going to be doing on this topic, so I am looking forward for more.

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