Monday, February 24, 2014

SpongeBob Genetics

In class we were given a paper to get a better understanding on why some children look like one parent more than another. Some traits are dominate and others are just not so lucky. We were given a paper to figure out if two creatures in Bikini Bottom got married, what their children would look like. On the paper we were given what each parent looked like and what trait was dominate. I had to indicate weather the genotype is heterozygous or homozygous. I learned how to tell if a genotype would be considered purebred or hybrid. I learned why some kids have features of their dad and not their mom or they have a trait that is very obvious. I had fun getting a better understanding by completing this paper. Down below are a few questions and answers to this paper about Bikini Bottom to give you a clue on what kind of questions we had to figure out.  

1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is a heterozygous (He) OR homozygous (Ho).

  • TT= Ho     
  • Bb=He
  • DD=Ho
  • Ff=He
  • tt=Ho
  • dd=Ho
  • Dd=He
  • ff=Ho
  • Tt=He
  • bb=Ho
  • BB=Ho
  • FF=Ho
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be considered purebred?  Homozygous
Which of the genotypes in #1 would be hybrids?  Heterozygous

2. Determine the phenotype for each genotype using the information provided about SpongeBob.
      Yellow body color is dominant to blue.
       YY=Yellow             Yy=Yellow       yy=Blue
       Square shape is dominant to blue.
       SS=Square                Ss=Sqaure        ss= Round

3. For each phenotype, give the genotypes that are possible for Patrick.
       A tall head (T) is dominant to short (t)
       Tall= TT Tt                   Short= tt
       Pink body color (P) is dominant to yellow (p)
       Pink Body= PP Pp        Yellow body= pp

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